
We do not offer standard solutions. Because we know: every customer is different. That is why we develop individual and unique solutions in direct consulation with our customer. If you have any questions, simply contact us.

VIP service, fixed price, price per time and kilometre, or you just want a one-way trip from A to B, you decide and we will drive you to all destinations in Switzerland and neighbouring countries.

Day trips with a limousine Mercedes Benz S-class or with minibus, fair and cheap and that at transparent prices for you, so you can discover relaxed and luxurious the Switzerland and the neighbouring countries. Our chauffeur will show you the most beautiful places in Switzerland, arrange the tickets for you and, if you wish, he will reserve a table in a restaurant as well a hotel for you.

Airport transfer throughout Switzerland and neighbouring countries at fixed price, no risk for you in the event of traffic jams, redirections of other. Waiting time at the airport up to 1 hour free of charge, in case of handicap our chauffeur takes over the "check in" and will escort you to the ticket-/passport control. We have the experienece and take all inconveniences upon ourselves and you arrive safely and relaxed at your destination.